Help me to help
Senaste aktivitet
Star Scene gav 100 kr
Camila Roa gav 500 kr
It really cost us nothing to open our eyes and realise what the world is turning to, let's not ignore the real problems. Any kind of help is always welcome. Thanks Ida for being concern about this sad Situation. Camila
Anonym gav 1 000 kr
Great to see how you use for help. Thank you Ida 🙏
Aurélie Meurs gav 300 kr
Hope i can do so much more. Thanks for the initiative
Laura Keegan gav 200 kr
The devastating news reports coming out of Aleppo have left me feeling so powerless and sad. We all have a responsibility to support and show humanity in any way we can. This is the least I can do
Camilla o Anibal Strahl Jimenez gav 500 kr
Hjälpte en kvinna och hennes barn som precis flytt från Syrien. De berättelserna dom delade bär jag med mig i hjärtat och är så tacksam att Mio får växa upp utan bomber som regnar från himlen. Grymt intiativ Ida <3
Manuel Barbeito gav 300 kr
Nicki & David Devine gav 300 kr
Wish we could do more. This is an amazing thing that you are doing to raise money and awareness to help those poor families. It's heartbreaking. Nicki & Deeno, Scotland x
Anonym gav 100 kr
Stort varmt tack till dig Ida för ditt fantastiska engagemang, och tack till alla som stödjer denna insamling! Ni gör skillnad för familjer som tvingats fly sina hem! -
Fabio Alampi gav 200 kr
I hope it ends soon.
Andreas Schröer gav 500 kr
I really don't know where you take all the energy from, having 3 children, 2 cats, 2 horses, moving home and still having time to care one those who are poor side of live. Fully support you.
Ida Beyer: thank you! <3
Tânia Pinto gav 1 000 kr
Wish more people would take the time to help out such a great cause.
Ida Beyer: I think it's easy to get mentally paralysed in situations like this. Thank you so much for your donation <3
Rocco & Yadine Saz gav 5 000 kr
Ida Beyer: You guys are the best!!! <3
Sam Richardson gav 100 kr
Ida Beyer: thank you!
Adam Beyer gav 1 000 kr
Ida Beyer: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Patricia Korssen gav 300 kr
Anonym gav 250 kr
Paul Smit gav 200 kr
Everybody needs a second chance... Everybody!
Eva Kåhrström gav 100 kr
Fantastiskt initiativ!
Ida Beyer: Tack!
Maria Blomgren gav 1 000 kr
Grym musik! Grymt engagemang!
David Lee gav 500 kr
Anonym gav 300 kr
You and Adam are special people. Thanks for continuing to make a difference in this world. Hope to see you guys in Toronto soon.
Ida Beyer: Thank you! Hope to be back in Toronto too, love that city
Benny Skyttberg gav 100 kr