Infobric Group - Together for Ukraine
Ge en gåva- Skapad av:
- Eva Ljung
- Samlar in till:
- Insamling till Ukraina
Infobric Group - Together for Ukraine
Help support the people of Ukraine by donating to Infobric Group’s fundraiser. Together we can make a difference!
To show our support for those affected by the war in Ukraine, Infobric Group has created this fundraiser for Infobric employees, families and friends all over the world.
UNHCR´s primary purpose is to safeguard the rights and well-being of people who have been forced to flee. Together with partners and communities, they work to ensure that everybody has the right to seek asylum and find safe refuge in another country. UNHCR has stepped up their operations and capacity in Ukraine and neighbouring countries.
Infobric Group encourages all its employees to make a contribution for those affected by the war in Ukraine. During 2 weeks in April, we will also arrange a Walking Challenge together with our team members where Infobric Group will add a donation to this fundraiser for each target we achieve together. The first group target is 6993km, which is the size of the Ukranian border. Once this walking target is hit, the next target will be to complete another lap, and so on.
If you want to participate in this fundraiser, please make your donation here. You can donate any amount you want. Every krona counts. As a guidance for you, 1 kr is approximately 0,08 GBP.
Let us together support people in need!
Infobric Group
To show our support for those affected by the war in Ukraine, Infobric Group has created this fundraiser for Infobric employees, families and friends all over the world.
UNHCR´s primary purpose is to safeguard the rights and well-being of people who have been forced to flee. Together with partners and communities, they work to ensure that everybody has the right to seek asylum and find safe refuge in another country. UNHCR has stepped up their operations and capacity in Ukraine and neighbouring countries.
Infobric Group encourages all its employees to make a contribution for those affected by the war in Ukraine. During 2 weeks in April, we will also arrange a Walking Challenge together with our team members where Infobric Group will add a donation to this fundraiser for each target we achieve together. The first group target is 6993km, which is the size of the Ukranian border. Once this walking target is hit, the next target will be to complete another lap, and so on.
If you want to participate in this fundraiser, please make your donation here. You can donate any amount you want. Every krona counts. As a guidance for you, 1 kr is approximately 0,08 GBP.
Let us together support people in need!
Infobric Group
Ge en gåva
38 100 kr
0 Dagar kvar
Eva Ljung gav 10 000 kr
Senaste aktivitet
Hampus Gustafsson gav 1 000 kr
Camilla Kandefelt gav 500 kr
Tomas Binfield-Skøie gav 1 000 kr
Ellen Hedberg gav 300 kr
K J gav 10 000 kr
Eva Ljung: Tack snälla för gåvan, det är oerhört uppskattat!
Rebecca Nygren gav 300 kr
Eva Ljung: Tack för gåvan, det är verkligen uppskattat!
Kalle Brauner gav 500 kr
Eva Ljung: Tack för gåvan, det är verkligen uppskattat!
Fariborz Goudarz gav 300 kr
Jag önskar en värld utan krig.
Eva Ljung: Tack för gåvan Fariborz
Linus Kardell gav 300 kr
Eva Ljung: Tack för gåvan Linus
Daniel Culha gav 1 000 kr
Eva Ljung: Tack för din gåva, det är oerhört uppskattat!
Mats - gav 500 kr
Eva Ljung: Tack för din gåva, det är oerhört uppskattat!
Marie Skeppstedt gav 500 kr
Eva Ljung: Tack för din gåva, det är oerhört uppskattat!
Per-Erik Kristensson gav 10 000 kr
Eva Ljung: Tack för din gåva! Hjälpen är oerhört uppskattad.
Annika Sjöberg gav 500 kr
Eva Ljung
Tack för din gåva! Hjälpen är oerhört uppskattad.Mohammed Oumer Hussien gav 300 kr
Eva Ljung: Tack för din gåva! Hjälpen är oerhört uppskattad.
Anonym gav 300 kr
Eva Ljung: Tack för din gåva! Hjälpen är oerhört uppskattad.
Henrik Vorkinn gav 500 kr
Eva Ljung: Tack för din gåva! Hjälpen är oerhört uppskattad.
Joel Verpers gav 300 kr
Eva Ljung: Tack för din gåva, det är oerhört uppskattat!
Infobric gav 10 000 kr
All hjälp behövs, Infobric Fleet ger första bidraget till denna insamling.