No one can do everything but we can all do something - för UNHCR i Syrien
Ge en gåva- Skapad av:
- Christina Collin
- Samlar in till:
- Insamling till Syrien
No one can do everything but we can all do something - för UNHCR i Syrien
Ingen kan allt, men alla kan något.
No one can do everything but we can all do something. The war in Syria has been going on for 5 years. The families who are the victims of this unimaginable pain and fear need us to not look the other way. Pictures of children in the completely destroyed Aleppo breaks my heart. This Christmas - give the world some love, something is so much better than nothing.
No one can do everything but we can all do something. The war in Syria has been going on for 5 years. The families who are the victims of this unimaginable pain and fear need us to not look the other way. Pictures of children in the completely destroyed Aleppo breaks my heart. This Christmas - give the world some love, something is so much better than nothing.
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Tack Christina för din fina insamling! Du gör skillnad för familjer som tvingats på flykt från sina hem! -
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Christina Collin: Tack tack...
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Christina Collin: Tack
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