Created By:
Ottilia Elebring
July 06, 2024
Collecting for:
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When war breaks out, and families are forced to flee, children are the most vulnerable. In the chaos of escape, they may lose their parents and be left alone.
Children may have witnessed their homes getting destroyed by bombs or parents being killed. They may have experienced torture or exploitation.

These children have endured horrible experiences that no one - especially children - should ever be forced to go through.

Today 30-34 million children are displaced. Many spend their entire childhood on the run.

Therefore we humbly request that, rather than purchasing us a wedding gift, you consider making a donation to support this cause. Together we can make a difference.
7,100 kr

Recent activity

  • Emma  Markén Emma Markén donated 300 kr

  • Helena Hallinder Helena Hallinder donated 500 kr

    Dear Ottilia and Shaun! We wish you all happiness in the world. With love to your marriage tomorrow. Helena, Anders och Nicke

  • Stefan, Otto och Fredric med familjer Elebring Stefan, Otto och Fredric med familjer Elebring donated 1,000 kr

    Stort grattis på bröllopsdagen!

  • Åke och Kickan Grimstedt Åke och Kickan Grimstedt donated 500 kr

    Stort grattis på den stora dagen. Åke och Kickan

  • Rickard  Lindbäck Rickard Lindbäck donated 500 kr

    Congrats to Ottilia and Shaun!

  • Adina Grimstedt Adina Grimstedt donated 500 kr

    För brudparet, all lycka och kärlek!

  • Tomas Lindbäck Tomas Lindbäck donated 300 kr

  • Eva Lindbäck Eva Lindbäck donated 500 kr

    All lycka och kärlek i världen från mormor Eva

  • Carolina Persson Carolina Persson donated 500 kr

    För att fira Ottilia och Shauns bröllop!

  • Lotta Thunborg Lotta Thunborg donated 700 kr

    Congrats on the wedding-day!

  • Anonymous User Anonymous User donated 300 kr

    Så fint, grattis till er båda!

  • Gavin Brown Gavin Brown donated 1,000 kr

    Best wishes for a happy life together. Hope we can meet soon.

  • Anonymous User Anonymous User donated 500 kr

    What a lovely cause, beautifully done!