Created By:
JBergman Consulting Youth Relief
Collecting for:
Insamling till människor på flykt i världen
✨️For the children in DRC✨️

The Democratic Republic of Congo has (5.5 million) people displaced. And a large part of them are children. That is precisely why I want to spread the knowledge but at the same time make a collection for the children of Congo-Kinshasa.

🌟 "Every moment counts in a child's life in Kinshasa.
With 'The Congo Youth Relief' you have the power to turn these moments into opportunities and hope for the future.
Your support provides nourishment, education and protection – the basic building blocks for a brighter tomorrow.

Together, let's create a wave of change that carries these children toward a world filled with potential and success.
Donate today and be part of their journey towards a better world. For every penny you give, a child's dream of a new day grows." 🌟
50 kr
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  • Mathilde Sverige för UNHCR Sverige för UNHCR
    Thank you so much for your contribution. Your support means that more people are able to recieve help and support! It is life changing gift.

    Wish you the best!
  • Anonymous User Anonymous User donated 50 kr

    Jag vill hjälpa barn i utsatthet.